Sunday, March 22, 2015

Exploring the times

Exploring the time, hitlers and Stalin.

Is it enough to say these two were bad? Is that even the right approach. Let's instead ask why. Why did these men appear ? How are their times responsible for them, molding their views ? Mention Dali and his nonsense

Sunday, March 15, 2015

A religious land, a commodity religiosity, and on repenting at the gates.

A religious land, a commodity religiosity, and on repenting at the gates.

"The more I consider the condition of the white men, the more fixed becomes my opinion that, instead of gaining, they have lost much by subjugating themselves to what they call the laws and regulations of civilized socities."

-Tomochichi , Creek Chief

The Native Americans are gone. If not completely, then what is left of them is just a small remnants, and on some levels integrated into the society as a whole. They're not here to guide us on this journey.

This perilous land, 
this perilous land, 
this perilous land. 

this perilous land that we do not now how to navigate, 
and neither do we know or not know how to take care of.

To those who are calling for an end of days they are right. And to those who are calling for change and a better world they are also right. If you can imagine it, you are right for the world always spins in that direction.

Our guides are not here to take care of our journey, to show us how to take care of the land we inherited, or more rightly took and stole by force.

Its time to quit leaving our destinies in the hands of politicians and laws, and take them and place these same destinies into our hands, pursue them with all our hearts and dreams. You do not strive for your destiny until you feel a shiver in every inch of your skin and body.

We need to pause, to take a deep breath, to take a second, then take another... and then to think of all the evils, the sins we have committed just during that one day. And then the whole week, and then a month. Repent. Repent.

And slowly wave away our blues, our troubles leave us slowly, and all the world around us aligns to support us, to lift us with the spirit of the trees, the breeze that passed through ages to reach us today.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Godlessness, the new fascism?

Godlessness ? The new fascism ?

There is something eery coming down the pipe. Economies crashing. Soulless capitalism. The destruction of nation states and nationalism.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Tapestry of History


Why did socialism not work in Russia? Because in a country with thousands if years of history with tsar rule the socialist principles eventually went to what the country knew how to do best having a strong leader. 

The Chinese dynasties show why China even today plays for the Long term. 

In USA a country of white slave owners and English colonialists. They have the most freedoms.  The freedoms were gained directly because of struggles that also responded to these conditions. So conditions and zeitgeist of the country is foremost important before any sort of idealolgy pt strategy. Can be tailored to it. 

Idealogies and systems are like the hat it doesn't always fit

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Why government ?

Why government ?

Givts are clearly failing. So the question becomes why does a person need one. 

To take their grievances go. Breakdown of one why needs it and advantages of not having one and dis. And new systems

Monday, March 2, 2015

long picture

The problem, Pete, is that no-one may take enough US dollars to fill demand. That’s the best case problem.

I think that the current oil price manipulation has the purpose of preventing capital from ever flowing back into the oil patch, or at least, not fast enough. Recall that the IEA warned that oil/gas investment had to exceed $1.5T per annum to maintain supply. That is no longer happening. When investment is sufficiently low, it will cripple production for many years, possibly forever. That, I think, is the plan.

Of course, whether that really is the plan is unknown. If it is the plan, whether it will work is unknown. And the state of our financial system in the future is unknown – will it be sufficiently robust to support international trade?
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    sprawlcapital February 23, 2015 at 9:05 pm #

    Sauer–This all makes sense, but it begs the question: whose plan is it? Saudi Arabia’s? Exxon’s?
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        sauerkraut February 24, 2015 at 12:23 am #

        I suspect that the Saudis helped Obama to think of it for himself. When approached, they held out for, and got, a commitment to throw the frackers under the bus. Big Oil stands to gain at the expense of Little Oil, and Wall Street gets a chance to profit from instability. USA gets to weaken Russia with low oil prices, just like 1980. UK, of course, is the deck of a willing aircraft carrier.

        Russia gets to watch Wall Street’s towers shake (and maybe fall), her oligarchs get to squeeze the oligarchs from the 1990’s, and she positions herself to lead a new international financial system. China gets lower oil prices for a time, just about until her own investments in central Asian oil pay off. In the meantime China buys gold and plays a very long game.

        Of course, Saudi gets much higher oil prices sometime soon, and gets leverage which might lead to a pipeline straight into Europe. They also make it impossible for anyone but a nation state to do real oil exploration, so while the majors are off gobbling up the minors, the majors are losing the future.

        Everybody THINKS he wins. Soon we find out who is playing chess and who is playing snap.

        Just my thoughts. Could well be wrong. I welcome a deeper analysis.

Sunday, March 1, 2015


Far from being out of the woods.

The liberals, or the smart ones can't just blame Putin. They will stray from this line as soon as they are safe to do so.

This is a kindling attempt to stoke the fire and force regime change in Russia using the fifth column and mustering more support from it.

01 March, 2015 08:06
Blogger Aleksandr said...
In my opinion, this ritual killing of Nemzov has a propagandic element that was easily seen when it broke as it was on every media outlet in the world. The eery image of it being cross shot from the kremlin had a startling effect.

The other element of it is it makes it dubious of how does the regime react to such an event. The reaction is key as you're on stage now with the honus of not to mess up and handle the investigation well and what follows well.

All in all it's an easy offensive regime change tactic, and not all that easy to defend oneself against. Those were my thoughts upon following it.